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Starlane WID C module - R1/M 2015-2020

Reference STWC3AR115

The Starlane WID C miniaturised wireless extension module (code WC3A) is a data acquisition module specific to certain motorbike models. It consists of 3 analogue inputs with a CAN BUS line, plug&play and compatible with the Starlane Corsaro II R stopwatch.

This module is specific to the R1/M 2015-2020

368,00 € incl. VAT

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The optional Starlane WID C miniaturised wireless expansion module (code WC3A) is a data acquisition module specific to certain motorbike models and compatible with the Starlane Corsaro II R stopwatch. The Starlane Corsaro II R stopwatch redefines the standards of timing performance, offering a cable-free experience combined with exceptional accuracy and advanced features. Explore the technical features that make the Corsaro II R a must-have choice for motorbike sports enthusiasts. Coupled with the WID system, go beyond the performance of a simple stopwatch.

Technical details of the Starlane WID C miniaturised wireless expansion module

  •     3 Generic Analogue for connecting sensors with 0-5V analogue output such as, for example: linear potentiometric suspension sensors with codes: SSLIN075M8, SSLIN150M8, SSLIN075PROM8, SSLIN150PROM8 or brake pressure sensor with code SSPBK60M8.
  •     CAN BUS line for compatible vehicles and Starlane RID modules
  •     Power supply: 12V
  •     Dimensions : 60mm X 44mm X 21mm

The model is compatible with specific motorbike models. It is available in our shop for the following motorbike models: ZX10R 2011-2015 / ZX10R 2016-2020 / S1000RR 2015-2016 / S1000RR 2009-2014 / R1/M 2015-2020 / PANIGALE 899/959/1199/1299 / RSV4 APRC/RF 2015-2020.

This product is comptable with:

YAMAHA YZF R1 2015 => 2019
YAMAHA YZF R1 M 2015 => 2019

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